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On this date, 3 July 2020, the Earth is experiencing a global pandemic called COVID-19, a Corona virus.

Nevertheless, like every date before it, since the beginning of time, disasters have come and gone.

However, another constant remains; the Earth still belongs to it's Creator, leaving nothing unnoticed.

Psalm 24:1

On this date, 3 July 2020, like every date before it, since the beginning of time, and every day following, we can find comfort in believing that the eyes of The Mighty Trio are watching over every one of us on this entire planet. 
1 John 5:7

Be at Peace!


The Design:
Eyes on Earth
Victor West
Victor West Founder/ Owner/ Minister/ Head Instructor

USAF Veteran, Retired;
Master of Theology, The King's University;
B.A.S., Interdisciplinary Studies, Dallas Baptist University;
Founder, Osebo & Chayah Agon martial arts;
Black Belt, Chinese Butou Tai Kyo Kuken;
Author, "Contend!"

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