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As martial artists, we practice self-defense techniques, sparring, and weapons training to prepare ourselves for real life hand-to-hand combat or other physical confrontations. Wearing protective equipment minimizes injuries. Please note that protective armor only minimizes the effect of the assaulting blow, it does not eliminate or eradicate it.

Similarly, as Christians, we apply spiritual warfare to the situations in our daily lives. Our protective equipment in spiritual warfare is the Armor of God, as referenced in Ephesians, chapter six of the Bible.

Ephesians 6:14 = "... put on the breastplate of righteousness..."

What is a breastplate?

Even in the midst of a confrontation, as an honorable fighter, one should fight with righteousness, doing what is right in the sight of God and man.

What is righteousness?

Righteousness is a condition acceptable to God. Righteousness is integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking, feeling, and acting. Righteousness is also justice. 

A humble warrior does not look for fights to get into, as does the antagonistic bully. Instead, he fights for righteous causes like protecting those who cannot defend themselves. 

There once lived a man named Job (pronounced jobe). In Job 29:14 (NKJV), he was recorded as saying, "I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; My justice was like a robe and a turban." 

When we fight clothed in righteousness, God is more likely to be on our side.

What kind of fighter are you?

Meditate on that!

Victor West
Victor West Founder/ Owner/ Minister/ Head Instructor

USAF Veteran, Retired;
Master of Theology, The King's University;
B.A.S., Interdisciplinary Studies, Dallas Baptist University;
Founder, Osebo & Chayah Agon martial arts;
Black Belt, Chinese Butou Tai Kyo Kuken;
Author, "Contend!"

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